Human Rights and Conflict Resolution

Human rights and conflict resolution are two distinctively similar topics which exist in a very complicated and intricately woven system. Human rights pertain to the fundamentals of humanity as it sets the norms of society dictating how an individual is expected to be treated with equality and serenity. Nevertheless, human rights are the origin of most if not all conflicts however, at the end of the day both these topics strive for the same- to bring about political, economic, and social changes to make the world a better place.

There will always be a conflict and the resolution will not always be as simple as a “right” or “wrong” rather it will be in symmetry to human rights and what suits best. At WISMUN 2k23, we strive to promote this idea with each committee’s agenda endeavoring to resolve conflicts pertaining to human rights. Matters involving human rights can be a controversial topic of discussion, and many perspectives of different countries are bound to clash with each other. These arguments will awaken delegates’ understanding and broaden their perspective as we illuminate real world problems to unveil the dilemmas and hurdles one must cross to resolve a conflict.

By making each committee a crisis committee we shed light on real world conflicts provoking introspection and stimulating critical thinking. As delegates dive into the depths of “human rights and conflict resolution” their knowledge on how to combat between views and real-life global affairs heightens changing their outlook on the “real” world resulting in an overall growth.